Ethereum staking

On-chain Staking API

Simplify your staking experience with our on-chain staking integration for depositing, withdrawing, and rewards collection.

Benefits to On-chain Staking

Simple Transfer Staking
Stake completely on-chain with peace of mind, backed by our audited smart contract.
Control Withdrawal Address
Stay in control of the withdrawal address, while you stake and earn rewards on-chain.
Dedicated Fee Pool
Each validator controls its own fee pool, earning you maximum rewards.

Use cases
of On-chain Staking

Unlock diverse opportunities and explore the applications of onchain staking.

Individual Staking
Experience staking seamlessly across wallets, all while staying in control of your financial growth.
Wallet & Exchange Integration
Utilize our on-chain staking API for seamless staking and reward collection.
Liquid Token Creation
Enhance ecosystem liquidity by integrating our on-chain staking API.
Treasury Management
Efficiently manage treasuries with our on-chain staking API, ensuring reliable growth and returns.

Get started today

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